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Barbell Back Lunge

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Barbell Back Lunge image

Proper Positioning

  1. In the ready position, begin with the legs about shoulder width apart

  2. Use an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width

  3. Keep the head and neck in a neutral position

  4. Place the bar on the trapezius

  5. Retract the shoulder blades while simultaneously opening the chest

  6. Pull the bar into the body

  7. Flex the hips

Proper Technique

Eccentric - Descend

  1. Inhale on the downward phase of the movement

  2. Breathe with the stomach, contracting the abs which will help brace the core. (create a 'fat' or bloated-like appearance)

  3. Keep the working foot planted firmly in a fixed position on the ground

  4. Firmly place the stepping foot (non-working foot) backward, slightly less than a stride length away from the working foot

  5. Slowly lower the planted foot's hip and knee until the stepping foot's knee comes within an inch off the ground

Concentric - Ascend

  1. Exhale on the upward phase of the movement (may hold your breath in if more comfortable and exhale at the end of the rep)

  2. Slowly begin to straighten the leg of the planted foot by pushing through the heel

  3. Maintain a neutral lower back with the chest out

  4. Return to starting position and flex the glutes, aligning the hips to safely proceed to the next repetition

Essential Tips

  1. Avoid collapsing the knee inward or outward

  2. The working foot's knee should not protrude significantly over the toes, if this occurs, take a step forward with the working leg

  3. With a weightlifting belt on, inhale with the stomach during the eccentric phase, pressing against the belt

  4. Ascend by pushing through the working foot's heel, not the toes

  5. Do not have a loose grip

  6. Avoid breathing solely with the chest

  7. Overuse of the lower back will lead to injuries

  8. Keep the non-working foot planted firmly on the floor behind the body, without lifting it off

  9. Do not let the chest cave in, maintain an erect position

Barbell Back Lunge short video


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