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Barbell Upright Row

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Barbell Upright Row image

Proper Positioning

  1. Stand with the feet planted on the floor about shoulder-width apart

  2. Bend the knees slightly

  3. Grasp bar with a pronated grip

  4. Elbows pointed directly outward, extended but not locked

  5. Engage the core and glutes for stability

Proper Technique

  1. Focus on contracting the medial deltoids (side shoulders)

  2. Pull the bar up along the body until the bar reaches clavicle level

  3. Keep the body erect throughout the movement

  4. Elbows pointed up and out above the wrists

  5. Slowly allow the bar to lower along the body, back to starting position

Essential Tips

  1. Do not use momentum from the hips or bounce the bar to initiate the movement

  2. Lighten the load

  3. Do not swing the weight

  4. Keep feet planted, avoid coming up on the toes

  5. Do not let the hands go above shoulder level

  6. Lead with the elbows

  7. Wrists should stay rigid throughout the movement

Barbell Upright Row short video


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