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Bent Over Wide Grip Barbell Row

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Bent Over Wide Grip Barbell Row image

Proper Positioning

  1. Grasp the bar with an overhand grip wider than shoulder-width apart, preferably creating a 90-degree angle at the elbows

  2. Elbows pointing out to the side

  3. Firmly plant feet just short of shoulder width

  4. Knees slightly bent

  5. Head and neck in a neutral position

  6. From the hips, bend the upper body forward until the back is almost parallel to the floor

  7. Chest out and glutes out

  8. Allow the bar to hang with the elbows extended but not locked

Proper Technique

  1. Short Range of motion to activate the posterior deltoids

  2. Exhale on the upward phase of the movement

  3. Pull the bar towards the shoulders or upper back while trying to relax the hands and arms, focusing on isolating the posterior deltoids (rear shoulders)

  4. Pause and 'squeeze' at peak contraction

  5. Lower bar with control maintaining the contraction of the rear shoulders

  6. Inhale on the downward phase of the movement

Essential Tips

  1. Avoid tugging the torso for assistance

  2. Maintain a flat back and a firm upper body

  3. Lighten the load

  4. Avoid pulling with the rhomboids or trapezius

  5. Avoid hyperextending the elbow at starting position

Bent Over Wide Grip Barbell Row short video


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