Proper Positioning
Stand with the middle of the feet under the bar
Feet about hip-width apart
Firmly plant feet on the ground
Maintain the head and neck in a neutral position (do not look down or up)
Grab the bar around shoulder width apart with an overhand grip
Bend the knees until the shins touch the bar
Straighten the lower back while slightly sitting back lifting the chest out
Shoulders slightly in front of the bar
Proper Technique
Breathe with the stomach and contract the abdominal region (create a 'fat' or bloated stomach-like depiction)
Pull, while the bar should be either dragging or slightly above the front of the legs (use this as a trajectory outline of the movement of the bar)
Contract the quadriceps at the beginning of the movement straightening the knees
Transfer the load to the hamstrings and then the glutes to straighten the hips
'Squeeze' the glutes and lock the hips and knees at peak contraction without leaning back
Exhale in the downward phase of the movement
Slowly return the bar to starting position by unlocking the hips and knees following the same trajectory during the concentric phase of the movement
Essential Tips
Good form reduces injury risk (do not ego lift)
Do not pull with the lower back
Avoid breathing with the chest and rounding the lower back