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Dumbbell Pec Fly

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Dumbbell Pec Fly image

Proper Positioning

  1. Lie on the bench in a supine position (lying face upwards)

  2. Place the head, shoulder blades, and sacrum firmly on the bench

  3. Feet planted firmly on the floor

  4. Maintain a natural arch in the lower back

  5. Grasp the dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other

  6. Extend arms towards the ceiling with a slight bend in the elbows

  7. Should form a 90-degree angle with the body

  8. Dumbbells square above the chest

Proper Technique

Eccentric - Descend

  1. Inhale on the downward phase of the movement, contracting the core region and glutes to create more stability

  2. Arms remain stationary, lowering in a controlled manner with the movement occurring only from the shoulder joint

  3. Slowly lower the dumbbells in a wide arc trajectory, until a stretch is felt in the pecs

Concentric - Ascend

  1. Exhale on the upwards phase of the movement

  2. Return weights to their original position by following the same arc trajectory

  3. Primarily focus on contracting the chest muscle

  4. Hold the contraction at the top of the movement

  5. Continue contracting until returned to the ready position

Essential Tips

  1. Halfway through ascending, turn the dumbbells up towards the upper chest, so the ends of each dumbbell touch. This will help in focusing solely on the pecs

  2. Keep the wrists in a flexed position

  3. Do not bounce or use momentum at the bottom of the movement

  4. Lighten the weight

  5. Do not hyperextend the pecs during the eccentric phase, shorten the ROM if discomfort is felt

Dumbbell Pec Fly short video


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