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EZ Bar Curl

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

EZ Bar Curl image

Proper Positioning

  1. Stand with feet about shoulder-width apart

  2. Engage the core

  3. Chest out, glutes out

  4. Knees slightly bent but not locked

  5. Hold onto the bar with a supinated grip, shoulder width apart

  6. Arms should be at the sides and extended but not locked

Proper Technique

  1. Contract the biceps, slowly raising the bar

  2. Raise until elbows are slightly passed 90 degrees or close to the upper chest

  3. Hold at peak contraction

  4. Slowly lower the bar to starting position

  5. Inhale in the downward phase of the movement and exhale in the upward phase

Essential Tips

  1. Do not swing the arms, using momentum from the hips

  2. Execute with a full range of motion

  3. Start the concentric phase of the movement before the triceps are activated

  4. Do not hyperextend the elbows

  5. Elbows should align under the shoulders and slightly bend at starting position

  6. Keep the body erect without any twisting or rotating of the shoulders or elbows during execution

  7. Do not allow the elbows to come forward to get the weight up

EZ Bar Curl short video


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