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Hip Abductor Machine

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Hip Abductor Machine image

Proper Positioning

  1. Sit in an upright position with the back against the pad

  2. Keep spine in a neutral position

  3. Feet placed firmly on the platform

  4. Place the legs on the padding outside of the knees

Proper Technique

  1. Inhale and tighten the abs

  2. Slowly push the legs as wide as possible externally rotating the hips

  3. Hold at the end of the movement, isolating the hip abductors

  4. Slowly return to starting position while maintaining the contraction of the glutes

Essential Tips

  1. Experiment with different torso and pelvis positions to fully amplify the contraction of the glutes

  2. Keeping the back on the pad will target the glutes (medius and minimus) as the secondary muscle, with a primary focus on the hip abductors (tensor fasciae latae)

  3. Sitting at the edge of the seat, keeping the back in a neutral position, and executing the movement will isolate the glutes (gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus)

  4. Sit on the hips, rather than arching the lower back

Hip Abductor Machine short video


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