Proper Positioning
Lie on the bench in a supine position (lying face upwards)
Place the head, shoulder blades, and sacrum firmly on the bench
Feet planted firmly on the floor
Maintain a natural arch in the lower back
Keep the shoulders retracted
Grasp the dumbbells with a neutral grip, palms facing each other
Keep the dumbbells together above the chest for the entirety of the movement
Proper Technique
Eccentric - Descend
Inhale on the downward phase of the movement, contracting the core region and glutes to create more stability
Squeeze the dumbbells together for the entirety of the movement
Slowly lower the dumbbells in a trajectory where the top of the dumbbells touches the lower chest
Concentric - Ascend
Exhale on the upwards phase of the movement
Return weights to their original position by pressing the dumbbell so the top of the dumbbell aligns with the upper chest
Primarily focus on contracting the chest muscle
Hold the contraction at the top of the movement
Essential Tips
Keep the wrists in a flexed position
Do not bounce or use momentum at the bottom of the movement
Lighten the weight