Proper Positioning
Place a thick enough weight under the feet
Keep the soles of the feet on the plate allowing movement of the heels
Feet and knees should be pointing straight forward
Bend knees slightly, placing the feet hip-width apart
Use an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder-width apart
Place the bar on the trapezius
Retract the shoulder blades while simultaneously opening the chest
Pull the bar toward the body
Proper Technique
Inhale and tighten the abs
Slowly allow the heels to descend toward the ground
Ascending phase occurs once a stretch is felt in the Tibialis anterior (muscle located at the anterior side of the body, opposite the calves)
Exhale in the upward phase of the movement
Ascend by pressing up on the toes while contracting the calves
Briefly pause at the top (peak contraction)
Essential Tips
Knees should be extended but not locked
Do not allow ankles to collapse inward or outward
Make sure the soles of the feet are firmly planted on the weight plate or platform, not just the toes
If you have access to a smithe machine, use a higher platform to increase ROM.