Proper Positioning
Set the rack so that the bar is around chin to shoulder height
Grasp the bar with an overhand grip slightly wider than shoulder width
Forearms and wrists are in line throughout the movement
Engage the core and glutes for stability
Knees slightly bent
Proper Technique
Eccentric - Descend
Lift the bar off the rack
Inhale, breathing with the stomach
Keep the primary muscle region, the shoulders (deltoids) contracted throughout the movement, specifically focusing on the front delts
Slowly lower the bar through the flexion of the elbows until the elbows are/or slightly passed parallel
Concentric - Ascend
Exhale and press the bar up
Press with the shoulders using the triceps as support
Do not lock elbows, 'squeeze' shoulders at peak contraction
Essential Tips
Keep a natural arch in the lower back
Keep the core and glutes engaged to avoid leaning back
Do not lock out the elbows or knees
Lower bar in accordance with flexibility and ROM