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Standing Rope Face Pulls

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Standing Rope Face Pulls image

Proper Positioning

  1. Set the rope on the cable system one notch above the head

  2. Grab the rope with an overhand grip with the rope's ends next to the thumb and index finger

  3. Bring the shoulders down by relaxing the upper traps

  4. Take a couple of steps back for full ROM (range of motion)

  5. Contract the abs and squeeze the glutes to maintain stability

  6. Feet about shoulder to hip-width apart for comfort and stability

Proper Technique

  1. Isolate the posterior deltoids (rear shoulders), using the arms as support

  2. Pull the rope towards the face while keeping the elbows high and out

  3. Near peak contraction squeeze the shoulder blades together and hold

  4. The rope's ends should be right above the ear

  5. Return the weight to starting position in a controlled manner

Essential Tips

  1. Do not use momentum

  2. Avoid arching or rounding the back

  3. Use a weight that is easy to handle

  4. Pull with the rear shoulders, not with the arms, rhomboids, or trapezius

Standing Rope Face Pulls short video


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