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Stiff Leg Deadlift

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Stiff Leg Deadlift image

Proper Positioning

  1. Stand with the middle of the feet under the bar

  2. Feet about hip-width apart

  3. Firmly plant feet on the ground

  4. Maintain the head and neck in a neutral position (do not look down or up)

  5. Grab the bar around shoulder width apart with an overhand grip

  6. Shoulders slightly in front of the bar

  7. Knees slightly bent

Proper Technique

  1. With the slightest bending of the knee, pivot from the hips and lean forward, lowering the bar

  2. Lean as far as possible without rounding the back, a stretch will be felt at the hamstrings

  3. Slowly return to starting position by initially contracting the hamstrings transferring the load to the glutes

  4. Lock the hips and knees at peak contraction without leaning back

Essential Tips

  1. Good form reduces injury risk (do not ego lift)

  2. Do not pull with the lower back

  3. Avoid breathing with the chest and rounding the lower back

Stiff Leg Deadlift short video


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