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Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip)

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip)

Proper Positioning

  1. Grasp the bar using a supinated grip approximately shoulder width

  2. Use a false grip to better activate the back

  3. Arms slightly bent, not locked

  4. Pull shoulder blades down and together

  5. Knees placed firmly under the support pads and feet planted firmly on the ground

  6. Retract the scapula with the spine in a neutral position

  7. Maintain a natural arch in the lower back

  8. Lean back slightly, opening the chest

Proper Technique

  1. Flex the lats activating it throughout the entire movement

  2. Pull the bar towards the upper chest by pulling the elbows toward the midline

  3. Ensure the shoulders are retracted back rather than rounding forward

  4. The bar should touch the upper chest or about an inch or two away before returning to starting position

  5. Return the bar to starting position in a controlled manner,

Essential Tips

  1. Think of the hands as 'hooks'

  2. Do not allow the body to swing

  3. Avoid locking the arms

Supinated Grip Lat Pulldown (Reverse Grip) short video


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