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Supinated Grip Seated Row (Reverse Grip)

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Supinated Grip Seated Row (Reverse Grip)

Proper Positioning

  1. Sit on the bench and place feet firmly on the foot platform

  2. Grasp the straight bar with a supinated grip (reverse grip) about hip-width

  3. Head and neck in a neutral position

  4. Chest out

  5. Slight bend in the arm with elbows pointing down

  6. From the hips, bend the upper body forward keeping the back straight

  7. Knees slightly bent

Proper Technique

  1. Focus on keeping the back muscles contracted throughout the entire movement

  2. Retract the scapula and pull the arms back until the elbows are approximately beneath the shoulders

  3. The trajectory of the straight bar should go toward the belly button

  4. Squeeze the shoulder blades together

  5. Bring the bar back to starting position in a controlled manner, whilst keeping the lats contracted

  6. Inhale in the downward phase and exhale in the upward phase of the movement

Essential Tips

  1. Do not lockout arms during the elbow extension

  2. Avoid hyperextending the elbows at starting position

  3. Think of the hands as 'hooks'

  4. Avoid rounding the back

  5. May open lats more at the end of the eccentric phase, maintaining a straight back

Supinated Grip Seated Row (Reverse Grip) short video


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