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Meet Your Coaches

Takuma and Kaito bring unique perspectives to their coaching. While Takuma embodies precision and a disciplined approach, Kaito emphasizes a more lenient, holistic approach, ensuring clients receive tailored guidance based on their individual needs and aspirations.



Takuma embodies a precision focused training philosophy tailored for individuals seeking a coaching style built on accountability and results. Under his guidance you can expect a disciplined yet supportive environment that pushes you to the limit. The precision and discipline instilled in his training approach contribute to achieving results in weight loss, body building, and contest preparations. 



Kaito adopts a more adaptable training philosophy tailored for individuals seeking a balanced and sustainable fitness journey. His goal is to empower clients to embrace a fulfilling and
active lifestyle that promotes longevity. His training approach contribute to achieving results in overall health, injury prevention, and success that lasts a lifetime!


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